Spools: Water Fun for Small Tempe Yards
Spools: Water Fun for Small Yards
You may long for a pool for your Tempe home but feel that your backyard is just too small for it or feel that you don’t have the budget for it. Yet a new trend in pools may be just what you need to fit the space and your budget: A “spool.” A spool is a combination of a pool and a spa, and it is in high demand among custom pool builders.
Here’s what you need to know about this hot new trend and whether it might be right for your Arizona home:
A spool is smaller than a custom Tempe pool, but it is larger than a spa. On average, a spool is about 10 to 16 feet long and about 6 to 8 feet wide. That makes the spool perfect for smaller yards or yards that are cluttered by other elements, such as decks or garden areas.
A spool uses a jet or current to keep the water moving and create bubbles, just like a traditional spa. A spool isn’t quite large enough to swim any laps, but it is much bigger than a traditional spa. You’ll have room for more than just sitting on a ledge. If you have children, they can play in the pool or practice limited swimming. Adults can enjoy floating and wading in the spool.
Green Option
A spool isn’t just a great option for your space or your budget; it is also a great option for the environment. Water may seem to be limitless, but it is a natural resource that needs to be protected. A spool places fewer demands on that resource.
A spool also does not need as much energy to run, nor does it need as many harmful chemicals to clean it, such as chlorine. When you own a spool, you can feel good about the fact that you are putting out fewer harmful elements into the soil, the ground water and the air. You are also reducing the demand on production for these chemicals, which itself produces harmful byproducts.
True Blue Pools has a team of custom pool builders in Tempe who can create the right spool for your space and your budget. Just like with a pool, you can choose the options for the look and functionality of your spool, creating the design you want. Our custom pool builders will help you explore some design ideas for inspiration, and they will give you guidance on what works in your current space. It is our goal to help you get the perfect pool or spool for your home. Contact us to learn more about building new custom pools and remodeling current pools.
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True Blue Pools – Douglas LaLonde
5235 S. Kyrene Rd. Ste 102
Tempe, AZ 85283
Office: 480-820-9495
Website: https://truebluepools.com